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August 02, 2006



i thought Loser was the best book so far...oc i love them all!!!


I totally agree.


oh gr. my mom won't let me buy the book :(


omg i love the click books and im looking forward to the movie, theres gonna be a movie, or 6 movies, right?


hey i heard they we going to be movies but when are auditions for them? please e-mail me if u hear about them. [email protected]


i'm with Paige where are auditions if there is going to be a movie. that would be such a big hit so i think you should do it. my friends an i made our version of the Clique. i'm a mixture of massie and claire. but if you do make a movie e mail the auditions to me at [email protected]. thanks!


finally read it!
it is so ahmazing <3


Hello. Lisi, if you are reading this, I just want to let you know that your books are awww-esome! You tell life how it is. I really am interested in acting. Would you please email me about auditons for The Clique Movie at [email protected] I really want this more than anything that I've ever wanted before! I can be hi-larious, serious, ah-dorable, and everything. So please contact me if you happen to have any informantion. Thankyou so much for your time!


Hey I absolutly ADORE the Clique books! they are the only thing I read! They taught me confidence and how the :other half: lives! I am an actrees, So I would really love to be in one of 'em! Lisi you are the coolest author out there! keep up the good work!!! Huggs ~ Jenn xoxo


omg i loved the book and the entire series, can anyone let me know about the auditions for the movie? email me at [email protected]


OMG! I LOOOVVVVEEE THe Clique Books! I got my best friend hooked and she loves them too! Most people would LOVE to play Massie in the movie, but I would settle for Claire, I kinda look like her with her blonde hair and blue eyes. :)


omg! My friends read the Clique books, then they told me to tyr one. I got totally hooked. When i finished read The Pretty Committee Strikes Back, i was so surprised at the ending, i got Dial L for Loser the same day! About the movie?! I could so be an Alicia os email me at [email protected].<3


i luv the clique books! I read every book. i was so sad when i finished reading Dial L for Loser!! I h8 finishing the book, cause then i 4get what it's about. My friend, told me not to read the books but i still do!!! Can't wait to watch the movie. thanks lisi harrison for your ah-mazing books!!!


Lisi, i luv you're clique series. my favorite so far is Best Friends For Never. just letting u know that for skool my class is doing a project about our favorite author, and i chose u. I know there isn't a movie yet but when there is i'm sure i'll luv that too.


Your books are cool I must say but the last book to me was very dissapointing because al your other books relate to me and my friends they had a theme but this one was just like a fantasy not everyday do you see 3 random girls go to hollywood?


I am totally with Kayla! It lost the flare that the other books had, and it's the truth: there is no such thing as getting randomly whisked away to Hollywood, having all your dreams come true w/o even trying! To tell you the truth, I liked this book, but it was lacking in the area of "relating o the reader" but don't get me wrong Lisi, I heart heart heart <3 your books. period. the end. no questions asked.

Cam Lover

I love Cam in the books! He is soooo sweet!!! I love the romantic scences in all the books! Lisa I was just wondering if there will be anything in the future with Cam and Claire. Also my fave book so far is The Pretty Committee Strikes Back! I have read all of the books and am all most done with "Dial L For Loser".


hey i <3 the clique series! i was just wondering if im too late to find out about the auditions for the movie. email me at [email protected] for any info! thanks.

Cam Lover

I just finished the 6th book "dial L for loser" its great! Cant wait for (maybe a) movie!! Still and always will be *Cam Lover*


ok these books r awesome, but not that real. I live in westchester and its SO not that rich and snobby. i mean yah i have a pool and a driver but puh-lease....
also cam sounds sooo sweet in the books. dial l for loser is my favorite!<3


oh and kayla i agree, its not THAT uncommon but for it to happen like that, NO WAY! seriously ppl


if theres a movie i could totally be dylan cuz my red hair but im not fat lol...

Cam Lover

If I was any of the movies I would have to be Claire. Because my hair is blonde and some times I can dress like a nerd. And I can fire back a attitude like sometimes she does with Massie.


i luv these books there the best ever i just started readin these books and i already kuv them i finished all six in 2 weeks i luv dial l its my fave I cant wait 4 # 7 its not easy being mean I luv u lisi your the best their is

hey, ya'll

i luv the clique(and high fashion)!!! but sadly, most gurls dont relaize teh clique books r supp. 2 be a comedy series, NOT rules 2 live ur life by cuz ive heard of gurls who save up all ther money + blow it off on desinger thingds so they look "rich" , thats sooo stupid, dont do that

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