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« Stephenie Meyer's prom-otional genius | Main | 30 Sec Lit Crit: The Clique #7: It's Not Easy Being Mean by Lisi Harrison »

May 15, 2007



There's a lot to be said for a good dress. I've kept one of mine for ten years - I can't even fit into it any more. The book sounds very much like "Ten Things I hate About You" which itself is very much like "The Taming of the Shrew" and "Clueless". That said, there's always a place for stories which reassure those who experience prom night disasters.

Mary Switzer

Since I attended the Prom, I've found some of the more popular designer dress names are Alfred Angelo, Anna Scott, Joli Prom, Jovani, Night Moves, Paris prom, Sean Collection, and Tiffany designs. There is also no more perfect time than the prom to select a nice piece of costume jewelry, hair accessories or maybe even a tiara. A nice piece of jewelry sure made me feel glamorous.

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