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« fall reading list part one | Main | i-dog »

August 27, 2007



You're right. It is kind of mean. It's also embarrassing and funny at the same time... "such as."

Judithe Francine

Heyyy there! So funny, we posted this vid, too. Anywho, we heart your blog and just posted about it for BlogDay. Check out our blog, you are the darling #2, which is the best number ever because you're never alone!
*Fran and Jude


That is so sad. I don't even know what she meant... and I don't think she does either. But I bet she thought she sounded SMART.



wow, a little confused? lol but so funny. did she actualy say a sentince. Ok im going to stop being mean, im going to break my limit for the day.


Oh boy...mean, no. Funny, heck yeah! This story made it as far away as Singapore. When I saw it on the news here, I was stunned. Poor girl, she must have gone into hiding after that.


Wow.. nice blog you have. Would you mind if i ask you for alink exchange? Nice work.


well well well...

I guess she's one of the one fifth?


i hate it when stupid ppl
and it didn't help that she was blonde [[no offense..there has been blonde geniuses]] act smart its just stick with who u r and don't deviate with it cuz then ull sound rlly's not mean its true! too many ppl are like that...thats why not as many hav posted here. so we need to help those ppl of south africa :P

Dallas DJ

Ok, what does South Africa have to do with Americans not being able to locate the U.S on a map?

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